Patrick O'Connor. Ninja. Leprechaun. Stealthy photographer who leaves you with a pot of gold.Carol Raiche
There's some kind of magic behinds Pat's eyes. You can see the calculus happening, but his personal connection with his subjects makes it look like effortless fun.
Thanks again for helping us tell our stories—even the ones we didn't know were there.
Director of Communications & Publications | Endicott College
I run a small, arts-focused high school and we work with Patrick O'Connor on a regular basis for new material for our website, brochures, and social media. Each time, Patrick's work captures our unique vibe, our students' creativity, and our mission in action. And he's a delight to work with, setting students and faculty at ease as he captures interactions and portraits.Jennifer Borman
Head of School | School One
Above all else, Pat is the consummate professional. His competence is readily apparent, and his sense of humor and ready smile ensure the client remains at ease. Whether with a student in class, a player on the field, or faculty/staff in action, the product is always perfect, and the process to get to perfect is always fun – that is Pat, that is simply the way he does business.Glenn Sulmasy | Provost Bryant University
Michael Dorsey
I have been working with Pat for some 25 years and have watched how he has captured, in extraordinary and memorable images, every aspect of life at WPI. In particular, Pat is always my go-to photographer for recording the excitement and complexity of the work of our researchers. I always marvel at how he can walk into any setting, from a cluttered lab to an unassuming office, and immediately see the angle, the lighting, and the nuances that will enable him to pull off an awe-inspiring photo. And no one I have worked with is better at capturing the personality and “humanness” behind his human subjects. Pat’s images appear everywhere, from our admissions viewbook and marketing collateral, to our magazines, to our website, and I honestly believe they have played a vital role in helping to build the university’s global reputation.
Director Research Communications | WPI
Pat and I go way back - almost twenty years. We've done scores of shoots, literally all over the world. If I've learned anything in all that time, it's that you don't settle for "okay". You'll get more than great pictures. You'll get powerful images that tell stories in unique and memorable ways. These days, anyone can point and shoot but few bring the talent and passion for excellence that Pat brings to every assignment.Michael Sherman
If you are hoping to "phone it in," you should call someone else.
Design Director | Tufts University
As a College President I am at hundreds of "photo sessions" supported by legions of different professionals. When Pat serves as the photographer of record I breathe a sigh of relief; knowing that the process will be smooth, apparently effortless, and conducted in great humor. Most importantly, the photos will be grand! Pat is simply a delight to work with in so many ways.Leonard Schlesinger
President | Babson College